I couldn’t just write a small post about what happened yesterday it was far too amazing for that. The response has been breathtaking which I think is an understatement. It has taken me almost the best part of today to get to this point. I have replied to Twitter messages, LinkedIn messages, personal messages and all have said what great event it was.
Some have commented that the conference had a profound effect on them, others have said that it was an emotional but powerful journey. These are just two of many comments I have received.
I want to express my thanks to all the speakers; Roger Kline, Jacqueline A. Hinds, Khakan Qureshi and Leana Coopoosamy without them, the conference would not have touched so many hearts and minds. And to you the audience, thank you for sharing and for making the conference interactive. The Q&A sessions could have gone on forever but I am sure that you were all grateful for a break.
These are just some of the photos taken on the day. What struck me about them was the intense look on people’s face when the speakers were presenting. When we broke for Tea & Coffee the smiles were radiant.