Time Magazine has identified the following when it comes to colourism vs race; 'skin colour will continue to serve as the most obvious criterion in determining how a person will be evaluated and judged. In this country (America), because of deeply entrenched racism, we already know that dark skin is demonized and light skin wins the prize. And that occurs precisely because thi...
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Assessments Are They Accurate?

In 2011, I undertook a Myers Briggs assessment. My results showed that I was an ESTJ which is one of Myers Briggs personality types. According to the report, I am practical and a realistic person who can make and implement decisions quickly. I may sometimes leap to conclusions on occasion or act without waiting for new information to become available. I'm highly motivated and ...
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Collaborative Working

I was having a conversation with my business partner Jacqueline A. Hinds MA (HRD) CEIC MCEP where we discussed collaborative working. We were trying to unpick the dynamics of collaborative working.  Collaborative working can be done in different ways; two or more organisations can work together. Approaches range from informal networks and alliances, through j...
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I am a product of being brought up by my parents who were part of the Windrush generation. My mother and father came over by ship in 1960, filled with hope for a better life. They married and started a family like many other Windrushers. My parents struggled, because of the unwelcoming behaviours of some of the people they came across in England. societal racism was rif...
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Emotional Stress of Neurodiversity

I have seen many articles about neurodiversity over the last couple of years. This year seems to be a peak of information, advising and supporting those who are neurodiverse. What I haven't seen a lot of in articles are discussions about the emotional side of neurodiversity, I may have missed it, however, it seems to me that when talking about neurodiversity people should cons...
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Institutional Racism as a construct was defined initially by political activists Stokely Carmichael and Charles Vernon Hamilton in 1967.  It subsequently came to prominence in 1999 with the Mcpherson Inquiry into the murder of Stephen Lawrence and latterly other reports emerged such as a Public Health review or disparities in the risks and the outcomes of Covid (2020)...
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The protected characteristics that the Equality Act 2010 protects are; sex, age, disability, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, sexual orientation, race, religion, and gender reassignment. The reason why we have these protected characteristics is to ensure that our rights to be treated fairly is protected. No one should discriminate against you because...
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Sustainability is generally attributed to climate change but it goes far deeper than that, sustainability consists of fulfilling the needs of current generations without compromising the needs of future generations, while ensuring a balance between economic growth, environmental care and social well-being, a quote from Santander Scholarship. During a recent lunch I had with...
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Just Be You!

Hands up those who are able to 'be themselves'.  I know there are many out there who cannot because they feel that being themselves means being treated differently, being discriminated against.  It is a very sad place to be and can cause distress for many. I was quite lucky, during my early career I worked for a startup.  We were all in our twenties and we we...
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Doing The Work

I was inspired to write this article by reading a book by Esther A. Armah (Emotional Justice). On page 101, paragraph two it reads ' The first step is to name resistance as manufactured fragility. Dr. Robin DiAngelo's New York Times best-selling book White Fragility explores how being challenged about race is triggering. We've created feel-good-ology vocabulary that once again...
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