I have always believed in being prepared. Planning and organising has always been part of my life. It has been a running joke with friends. When I was studying for my degree in HR I planned 3 months in advance for my assignments as I hated to rush and wanted to ensure that I had enough time to double check my work.
Preparation and planning is at the forefront of my approach today. For the last year I have been preparing for success. I was and still am confident that I have a lot to offer and the right organisation would award me a contract which would open the gates to success.
My preparation started in June 2014 when I registered my company, I was sure at this stage that my skills within HR and my training in Mediation would give me the right springboard for success. I had written my terms of business, letters of introduction, profile document. My next step was to network within my industry and to make new business contacts within LinkedIn. When I took that step to be more active on LinkedIn I had 35 contacts, currently I have over 500+ contacts. I know this seems small to some but these contacts are those that have similar business backgrounds and those who I feel I can learn from.
My next step was to seek partners to help to further develop my vision. I have been fortunate enough to have made contact with the founder of Gravitas HR Consulting based in Australia. As time went on my partners grew, Pro Mediate, DiversityJobs, WEpiphany, Salt, each bringing depth of knowledge and the belief that integrity is key to a strong organisation. In 2015 I created my own website with the help of Grafica071 an American web design company.
I have been fortunate enough to have had an article in Personnel Today, I have represented the mediation fraternity to scope out a government initiative to provide SMEs with guidance and support on alternative dispute resolution. I have also written blogs about HR issues and discussion points on Mediation.
Planning and preparation doesn’t come without stress, anxiety and heartache. being patient is hard work but you really have to hold on and believe in yourself, know that you have done the preparation to prepare for success.